Serdecznie zapraszamy na prezentację prof. Hansa Thora Andersena pt. „Copenhagen: Regional planning cancelled. Causes and consequences”, która odbędzie się 9 maja 2023 o godz. 09:00 w biurze Stowarzyszenia Obszar Metropolitalny Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot przy ul. Długi Targ 39/40.
We cordially invite you to the presentation by prof. Hans Thor Andersen 'Copenhagen: Regional planning cancelled. Causes and consequences.’ The event will take place at 09:00 a.m. on May 9, 2023, at the office of Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area Association, ul. Długi Targ 39/40.
prof. dr hab. Hans Thor Andersen (University of Copenhagen)
I am educated in political science and human geography (University of Copenhagen 1975-82), took my master thesis and phd at University of Copenhagen and got my habilitation in social geography in 2005. I became research director and head of department at Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University in 2009. The department has a long-standing tradition for multidisciplinary work and includes sociologists, geographers, political scientists, economists, architects and engineers.
I have through most of my career been internationally oriented and have been part of several European research teams; lately the FP7-project on urban diversity Divercities and present project coordinator of COHSMO – a European project on spatial inequalities and life chances. I find the most challenging topics at the edge of established research disciplines; especially urban studies cannot be driven from a mono-disciplinary point of view since problems and solutions relates to several spheres of knowledge.
My hitherto research includes urban and social geography, urban politics, urban planning, and housing problems, which by definition is multi-disciplinary. I have been teaching urban geography at the University of Copenhagen and Aalborg plus supervised around 100 students. I have been of several Cost actions of which a couple have dealt with the issue of knowledge production and crossing disciplinary borders.